Television |
McDonald's vision wasn't that far off from what some of the early
pioneers intended for radio. Though he continued to call himself
"the father of radio", Dr. Lee de Forest (inventor of the
"audion" vacuum tube and the "discoverer" of
regeneration- if the courts are to be believed) turned his back on the
broadcast frenzy. He was appalled by the crass commercialism that was
already in place by the 1930s. de Forest believed that the public should
be allowed to sit down and enjoy a concert, a history lesson, or just
simply the news of the day without being huckstered by a fast talking
shaving cream salesman.
But it
was not to be. It all boiled down to economics and time. Radio needed
commercial sponsorship Zenith had experimented with "subscription television" as early as 1931. By 1947 they had a working system and in 1951 coined and trademarked the name Phonevision to identify their efforts. After receiving FCC approval, a 90 day test run was conducted utilizing 300 families from the Lakeview-Lincoln Park Chicago area. This area was chosen due to the limited broadcast range of the station. KS2XBS
was located at the Field Building downtown and it's Phonevision central
distribution center was at 3477 N. Clark St. The lucky 300,
equipped with a set top converter (first in a long line of boxes to sit
atop the TV) and a dedicated telephone line enjoyed first run movies that
were supplied under a special de The experiment attracted citywide attention. And as common as it would be thirty years later with cable TV converters, people tried to build or buy pirate boxes to circumvent the system. In the first month of the test, only the video was scrambled. The audio was a clear as a whistle. Many sat through the scrambled picture and just listened. The second month, however, changed all that when Zenith began to scramble the sound, making all those pirate boxes obsolete. For those who paid for their service, they were required to do the following to watch their movie- Call the Phonevision operator and ask to be "plugged-in." Daisy Davis and Dean Barnell supervised the operators day and night. The subscriber would then turn to channel 3 on the television and turn on his Phonevision converter, which would be patched in to the antenna terminals on the set and a phone line. According to The Zenith Story, an in-house 1954 publication, those families averaged about 1.73 movies a week. Not quite enough to qualify as a commercial success. The results were disappointing as McDonald had hoped to transform KS2XBS into commercial licensed WTZR.
The experiment was plagued by technical problems right from the beginning. Passing planes and trucks were known to wreak havoc on the signal making the experience less than enjoyable. This was of course provided you even received the scrambled signal. But Zenith refused to give up and in 1953 was ready to try again. But by this time, commercial television was firmly in place and the advertisers (who told the networks when to jump) generally frowned upon the "alternative" to commercially sponsored television. Educational television, though noncommercial, was not considered a threat. By 1953, all of the experimental licenses in Chicago had been replaced by commercial ones. Zenith, so involved with its Phonevision system, apparently didn't see or chose to ignore the situation and KS2XBS found itself in a difficult situation 1953 was the year that brought together The American Broadcasting Company and United Paramount Theaters. Because licensees could only own one television station in the same market- a problem quickly arose. UPT, through its Balaban & Katz subsidiary, owned WBKB Channel 4. ABC-TV owned and operated WENR-TV on channel 7. CBS, itself lagging behind for a completely different reason- its Peter Goldmark-designed field sequential color television system, did not own a station in the Chicago market. Its shows were carried mainly by WBKB. CBS quickly coughed up $6 million for the station in a sweetheart deal arranged by CBS head Bill Paley and ABC head Edward Noble. But the sale was not without its conditions. For several years, Milwaukee's WTMJ-TV and KCZO, a Kalamazoo station had been broadcasting on channel 3. This caused interference problems for both stations. The FCC ordered WTMJ-TV to move to channel 4 and WBBM-TV to channel 2. McDonald cried foul and petitioned the FCC to allow Zenith to continue its experiments on channel 2 since "they had occupied the channel since 1939" when W9XZV, Zenith's original station on channel 1, first went on the air on March 30, 1939. A shuffling of VHF allocations found the station at the number two position. But there are no squatters rights in broadcasting and whether it was because of the deep pockets at CBS or just the FCC's disappointment with Zenith's less than desirable results of its Phonevision experiments, the commission stood firm. It was the second time Zenith's channel position was challenged. Before the war, NBC had threatened to petition the FCC for the W9XZV channel 1 license. On July 5, 1953, WBBM-TV moved to its current home on channel 2 and Zenith signed off for good. This wasn't the end of Phonevision, however. Zenith conducted another experiment with an improved system that would have been tried on KS2XBS. In 1954, Zenith used New York station WOR-TV. This experiment was considered a success over the Chicago version. In the same year Zenith also tried its Phonevision system in New Zealand and Australia. By the early seventies, Zenith was still trying to make its Phonevision a successful commercially viable venture, this time in Hartford Conn. And again as late as 1986 using the Centel Cable system in Traverse City Michigan. None were successful enough. The idea of a pay television system in Chicago lingered in obscurity until the early eighties when the changing face of broadcast television inspired one major network to re-examine an old idea